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Filter belts

Filter belts are used for a wide range of applications in various industries for the separation of aqueous suspensions. Examples of applications include dewatering of industrial and municipal sludge on belt thickeners and belt presses, pressing of fruit juice or vegetable juice on Flottweg presses, filtration of fine suspensions on vacuum horizontal belt filters in the mining industry or in coal fired power plants and other industrial applications.

Paper machine clothing

Paper machine clothing includes forming fabrics for paper formation and dryer fabrics for drying of paper on paper machine. We supply fabrics for all sorts of paper and for paper machine speeds. We also provide appropriate service while the paper machine is running and during machine shutdown.

Drying belts for industrial use

Drying belts are used for drying of various materials in belt dryers. They are used for example in the food processing, mining industry, biomass or sludge drying, etc. The main requirement for drying belt is high air permeability, which is needed in order to reach high efficiency of the drying process.